How To Tell If You’re In A Co-Dependent Relationship

Hey girl! I’m so glad you’re here. Grab a cup of coffee…I’ve got a story to tell you. I want to take a moment to share with you one of the most important relationships I have in my life. Starting with how we got introduced…

Well, maybe it wasn’t our first introduction. I was aware of this presence in my life, but I wouldn’t say we KNEW each other. And we most certainly didn’t LIKE each other. 

That was until I was preparing for our first trip to Ethiopia. I knew we were going to be spending a lot of quality time together, so we should at least TRY to get along. Pretend if we must, for the sake of everyone else on this trip. 

So slowly but surely, we started hanging out. It was a forced cooperation in the beginning but it soon melded into a mutual state of “like”. Then our relationship grew and grew and I’m so happy to share that on our trip to Ethiopia, we grew closer than ever! 

I was still in shock at how our relationship has blossomed. It became hard to imagine a time where we didn’t get along.

After bringing our daughter home from Ethiopia, I really began to rely on this presence to help me cope with all the changes in my life. Becoming a mom of two is challenging enough without adding in a baby who wakes up six times a night, is transitioning to her 5th home in 6 months, and mourning the loss of her birth country. She was traumatized and I was too, to a much smaller extent, of course. I needed daily pep talks and encouragement, sometimes even a shoulder to cry on. This relationship meant everything to me and was always a sense of comfort in the hardest days.

I got to a point in our relationship where I couldn’t function without my “daily dose”, so to speak. It grew into a bit of an obsession and that’s the point when my husband had to intervene. He didn’t completely separate us – I think he knew it would be too hard on me during an already difficult time. He just helped me break up the addictive behavior so we could get back to that healthy friendship we once had.

Today, our friendship continues to be a strong presence in my life, but I think I will always struggle with the co-dependency to a certain extent. Yet, I am thankful every single day that Ethiopian adoption, of all things, brought us together against all odds.

Coffee — you mean more to me than you will ever know. Thank you for being a true friend and being there for me through the joy and the pain. You always warm my heart. God knew what He was doing when He brought us together!

P.S. Through the course of the ups and downs of our “relationship”, I created the PERFECT cup of coffee! As my gift to YOU, I’m sending all new subscribers my complete guide to the best cup of coffee EVAH! You can thank me later.

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