Are You a Dreamer or a Doer?

Did you know that 80% of people give up on their goals by mid-February? That statistic popped up in my email the other day I was surprised, but maybe not as shocked as I should have been.

We’re a world of dreamers, but not necessarily doers. We lack the hustle and drive we need to turn our dreams into realities. Myself included.

When I launched my business 18 months ago, I was filled to the brim with dreams and ideas and had all the heart eyes thinking about the possibilities that laid before me. And then you get out of that “honeymoon phase”, as they call it, and the business aspect throws you for some loops. I’m not going to lie to you… there have been moments this past year that I’ve felt frustrated and defeated. I even thought about throwing in the towel.

I’m talking about my new business here, but I could be talking about almost anything in life. This blog. My marriage. The big move here. Sleep training. I mean…the list is ENDLESS friends!

Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. Isn’t that what they say? Is that what you believe? Are your dreams WORTH the work it will take to get there? Is your WHY strong enough to motivate you to keep pressing on when the going gets rough?

It took a couple of special people in my life to help me realize that. They showered me with compliments, encouraged me, pointed out my strengths, and helped me envision the end goal. They BELIEVED in me. Through their encouragement and A LOT of prayer, I’ve decided I really want this! I’ve weighed the pros and cons and I have decided that my dreams are WORTH IT!

Is there a time you gave up on a dream because it was too hard? How about a time you persevered and met that goal? I would love to hear your stories!

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