Top Moments of 2015

2015 was a big year for our family. As I mentioned before, it was a year of dreaming and wondering what God had in store for us. Sometimes in those seasons of waiting, we get lost in the frustration of the unknown. And while I certainly had moments of that during the last year, I look back on 2015 with a smile because it propelled us to pursue our dreams. It forced us to rediscover our God-given passions.

I won’t lie…I am happy to see 2015 come to a close. The Lord knows I am not a patient waiter. (You would think after all the times in my life God has put me through a waiting period that I would be a seasoned pro by now. But I guess I have a lot to learn yet.) But I am so grateful for all the wonderful memories made. Here are the one’s that top my list.

1 / D I V A  E S S E N T I A L S /
In February, I joined the essential oil world and started Diva Essentials. A year later, I continue to be amazed at the many ways we use EO’s in our every day life, and how we have transformed our family’s health. Interested? Read more about what EO’s are HERE or delve into our family’s personal journey HERE.

2 / P U R P L E  H U E S /
For my 30th birthday, I celebrated with a day at the salon and took the plunge and went ALL purple (not just the ends)! I was a little nervous about the commitment (time + financial + would I love it?) but it turns out purple is my color. It might be here to stay for a while. But only time will tell.

3 / T H E  B I G 3 0 /
In true diva fashion, I celebrated my 30th Birthday with a bang! Hubby surprised me with an epic birthday bash (complete with all the besties, pictured below) with a “high school clique” theme. Perfect, right?!? Even more perfect??? I still fit into my high school prom dress!

4 / C R E A T E /
I spent many afternoons and evenings over the last year rediscovering my love to create in the form of painting, chalk, hand lettering, and much, much more. I find that releasing that inner artist calms me and brings a smile to my face. Just a sign that I should make it a much bigger part of my life, agreed?

5 / P T A /
It’s still kind of hard to believe that I got elected PTA President at my son’s elementary school. I mean, ME!! I still remember telling Hollywood the news and he responds, “So you’re going to be the president of the entire United States?” LOL! No, no, no. I wouldn’t take that job even if I was offered it!

6 / N O  T R A I N I N G  W H E E L S /
This past Spring, we taught our daughter how to ride bike (without training wheels). We gave it a good-hearted effort last summer, but she just wasn’t having it. But just like every other milestone, once Cocoa made the decision she was ready…it was literally a matter of hours before she mastered the new skill. I could hardly believe it.

7 / C A M P I N G /
Over Father’s Day weekend we enjoyed an epic camping trip with friends at Moses Lake, WA. We pulled the tent out of storage for the first time since Hollywood was a babe and gave it our all. Although I’m still far from what you would call “a camping person”, I made the most of it for my family’s sake (and did wind up with a pretty stellar tan).

8 / W E D D I N G S /
Yes, that was plural. During the Summer of 2015 we celebrated not one, but TWO sibling weddings. In one week. It was a whirlwind, but it was fabulous. And we gained a fabulous brother and sister out of the deal.


9 / M O D E L I N G /
Modeling is not something I ever dreamed of adding to the resume…and yet I just did. Shortly after my beautiful, dream-chasing friend took ownership of Seattle’s award winning bridal salon, Belltown Bride, I received a call asking me to model on a local TV show. I had never modeled before, let alone in a wedding gown. I was a bit nervous! But it was a fabulous experience including hair and makeup and I’m so glad I pushed past my nerves to try it.

TDD_TOP16_07 PC // Belltown Bride


10 / R E M O D E L /
After a mere eight years of home remodeling, we finally finished our master bathroom. I’m so thrilled with how my vision came together piece by piece. I only wish I had had more time to enjoy it in its completed state before the house sold. But it was all in God’s timing, as we can clearly see now.


11 / S O L D /
And then we sold our house (in two days)! Or our real estate agents did. Whatever.


12 / D O W N S I Z E /
After the sold sign went up…we realized that we needed some temporary housing until our next adventure started. Over the course of the year we had been working on downsizing our family, but it was time to step it into high gear. Facebook friends were probably tired of my endless Facebook Yard Sales…but know, I am so appreciative to those who supported us during that crazy time. After 8 years in our 1600 square foot home, we downsized to a two-bedroom 952 square foot apartment. And even after moving in, we had to continue to downsize to make room for basics like walking around and such. No biggie, right?


13 / T H E  B I G G I E /
Only two short months later came the real work. Once we finally got settled, we packed the whole place back up again for an out-of-state move. A little crazy and a lot bit tired, we made it happen in less than a week (in comparison to the two months we spent packing previously).


14 / H O M E L E S S /
After clearing out the apartment and sending all our belongings in three pods, we spent a week homeless. Or at our parents’. But the fact remains, we didn’t have a place to call home for a while there. Strangest. Feeling. Ever.


If you could choose a top moment of 2015, what would you choose? I’d love to hear what adventures God brought you on this year.



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