Nursery Dreams

Designed by Freepik Now that we’ve hit the third trimester and things are getting realer than real, I’ve finally allowed myself the time to start dreaming about the future a bit. In the beginning of my pregnancy, I was just focused on making it day by day, but the excitement of a new baby is […]

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Too Soon?

  I know it seems like Autumn just fell on our doorsteps, but despite my husband’s grumbling…I’m ready to skip on over to Christmas decorations. Too soon? In all honesty, I’ve never been a huge fan of Fall decor. I’ll throw some neutral stuff here and there to get myself in the mood. But […]

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We moved to this dainty, sun-filled apartment the first week of January. And while a lot of it is starting to feel right at home, there are still boxes and bins of things that don’t fit. And there are stacks of decor items that I haven’t found the perfect spot for. The nice thing […]

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Patio Inspiration

Since we now enjoy sun for more than just a three month period… (Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!) I have been dreaming of a Patio that can be used as an extension of the living room. I love outdoor spaces, but I’ve never invested the time (and money) into decorating one in Seattle because I […]

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Reflect Your Style

Phew! I’m exhausted you guys! It has been a busy couple weeks in this household. Between the lack of sleep and the amount of projects we have been trying to tackle, that Spring makeover list is getting attacked (I’ll update you on that more later). Although I won’t lie, it looks like we will certainly […]

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Top Three Tuesday: House Projects

Spring is right around the corner whether or not I’m ready for it. (For the record, I am. VERY ready.) That means its time to face the huge and ever growing list of house projects we have yet to tackle. Since I hardly have the energy for all of them, I thought prioritizing sounded […]

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