One Little Word for 2018

So, February is here! That just happened!

Anyone feel like January just flew by? Between traveling, a teething baby, some major sleep deprivation and running and gunning with my new business…I blinked and it’s time to turn the page on the calendar! I mean, if I had a calendar, that is.

If you’re like most of the world, by now you have joined the club on failed resolutions. Don’t be shy, raise your hands if that’s you! Had I sat down and written out some resolutions, I would surely be raising my hands with the majority of you. That’s exactly why I gave up resolutions.

That’s right!  You heard me! I GAVE UP resolutions! No more for me. While I’m all for self-improvement and such…I was sick of setting lofty expectations for myself and winding up feeling like a failure over and over again. That’s not good for anyone’s mental health, amiright?

So I put aside the ridiculous expectations for myself and decided instead to choose one little word to theme my year around. One little word. Now, that’s not so hard is it? And if I’m totally honest…you can’t really fail when you choose one little word.

I’ve been doing this for a couple years now (you can see last years OLW here) and I find that anytime I feel myself falling off track, I just come back and reflect on WHY I chose that one little word to begin with.

But I don’t look at it like I’m taking the easy way out. You know why?

When I look back on my adult life, not one time that I made a New Year’s resolution did any real change happen in my life. But since I’ve started choosing OLW, I have been noticing that word coming to fruition in my life. Real change. Real focus. What more can I ask for?

So after some prayer and consideration, I finally chose my word for 2018. Yes, it’s already February. But you know what. I don’t even like to follow the crowd. Plus – it’s never too late to implement change!

I chose…

I mentioned recently to a friend of mine that the last several years have all included a major life change. Last year was obviously the new addition to our family. The year before that…a pregnancy, grad school, and out of state move. The year before that…selling our home and switching careers!

It’s a nice change of pace to NOT have a huge life event planned this year…so this year I am working on flourishing right where I am. As a wife, a mother, a daughter of the King. In my friendships, my new business, and the community God has placed us in. I’m working on being the best version of me in all areas of my life.

What do you think about trading in your New Year’s resolution for one little word? What word would you theme the coming year after?


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