Dare to Dream

TDD_DaretoDream God has really been speaking to my heart about living out my dreams lately. Although in many ways, I already am living my dream… (stay at home mom to two beautiful, amazing children that I get to parent with an incredible husband) through a series of conversations with my hubby, a couple dreams have resurfaced that I forgot were even there.

Forgot. That kind of sounds crazy, doesn’t it? How do you forget your own dreams? Somewhere along the journey of becoming a mom, I pushed them to the back burner and just left them there.

There are many things I love about my husband, but one thing I adore is that he pushes me to believe in myself and really go after my dreams. He doesn’t caution me, but helps me list the steps to get it done.

I read two things that really encouraged me to dare to dream this week…and I just know that God placed them in front of my eyes for a reason.

The first was a facebook post by Jen Hatmaker (a favorite blogger of mine). She shared a photo of herself out with some girlfriends and talked about women chasing down their dreams in the midst of living their lives and how gutsy and brave it was. This quote is what struck a chord with me:

TDD_DaretoDream_01 And then the very next morning in my devotions (Jesus Calling, highly recommend it!) it talked about sharing your hopes and dreams with the Lord and letting him infuse life into them. And yet how you don’t want to rush the Lord’s timing and how waiting can actually intensify the enjoyment (think of Abraham and Sarah waiting for a son).

I think we all have dreams that need us to take action, and dreams that are simmering while waiting on God’s perfect timing. I know I certainly have both. But I am focusing on chasing down those dreams without fear, but with hope!

TDD_DaretoDream_02 What dreams are you chasing down today?


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