Bumpdate – 26 Weeks

26 weeks and quickly nearing the 3rd trimester!

My t-shirts officially don’t fit over my growing belly and even though I promised not to wear my hubby’s new hoodie until the 3rd trimester…after he helped me realize how close that was I decided to nix that. LOL! Let’s just say that once he finally got the chance to wear it, it had a little extra roundness near the belly. Whoops! Haha! Yes, maternity clothes is my friend right now. Finally invested in a pair of leggings and I might give up on jeans for good! But the sunshine has also made its way back into my life, so I’m finding dresses and skirts are the way to go too.

A good night’s sleep just seems to come and go for me. One night I will be passed out and wake up in the same position I landed in. The next I will be up 6 times to use the bathroom and throwing pillows at my husband’s snoring face. (To be fair…his snoring has majorly decreased since he’s been under chiropractic care. But he had a man-cold last week and I lost the last ounce of my patience, haha!) The hardest part for me is sleeping on my side. I have spent the last year training myself to sleep on my back for some neck/shoulder/wrist issues I was having. And now with the extra weight of the baby, my hips just ACHE!

Baby had his or her first pool day this week! Hopefully our “stormy” weather has passed and we can enjoy Spring for reals now. It felt so good to be out in the sunshine and barbecuing! 

I recently started chatting with a mama on Instagram who had some encouraging words for me on working out. I’ve been dealing with some round ligament pain that is so jarring sometimes, it scares me to start a routine back up. But I’m at least feeling motivated to try.

This baby is moving and shaking non-stop lately. I’m so excited for my parents to visit in a couple weeks and told them to prepare for some major baby kicks. My chiropractor got to feel this little one after my adjustment (which always tends to be when this baby fires its best shots) and his face just lit up! We were all cracking up.

Macaroni Salad is out…for now. And so is Chicken Salad Sandwiches. Which stinks…because I was rather enjoying them both. The frustrating thing is, I’m not even sure why. Just all of a sudden I don’t want them AT ALL. But I’m still loving my falafel burgers (snag the recipe HERE and thank me later y’all) on a regular basis. And I’ve also started enjoying my chipotle veggie burgers (from Sprouts) topped with avocado, tomato, red onion, cilantro and a squeeze of lime. And as an extra bonus…it is really easy when the fam wants to grill hot dogs out by the pool! 

I’m working on meal planning this week (in the middle of finals…so we’ll see how that goes) to try to add some predictability and maybe a little less frustration to my life. Thinking of meals still leaves me in tears most nights…so maybe planning a week’s worth all at once will limit that?!? I’ll keep you posted, haha!


Me and the kids are predicting a girl (Cocoa feels so strongly about it that she will correct anyone who says he and is full on ready to buy baby a wardrobe of dresses and flowery accents, haha!) but my husband is dead-set convinced its a boy, even despite his dream that I gave birth to a girl (a dream we both had…coincidence? I think not!). MOST of the old wives tales are pointing to a girl as well…but I’m curious what you all think!

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