Courage to Dream

TDD_CouragetoDream I have had a couple nay-sayers in my life who discouraged me while I was at the vital point of making decisions for my future. They pointed out flaws in my plans. They warned me of taking risks. They presented me with “safer” options that were more of a guarantee of success. As if success was the only thing I should be after in life. As if hoping and wishing for something more….exciting was childish. They were putting voices in my head telling me how I should and shouldn’t be. How dare they?

They were voices that made a girl feel unworthy of following her dreams.

For years, I have been terrified of taking huge risks. Yes, risks are scary. They are unknown. And it’s not a bad thing to be scared. But I am convicted that letting that fear prevent me from dreaming…from taking risks was not healthy. It is always wise to go into it with eyes wide open. Sometimes your risk won’t pan out and you’ll be fumbling for plan B. But sometimes….sometimes that risk will come with rewards greater than you couldn’t ever imagine.

God has put it on my heart…OUR hearts….to be courageous with our dreams. He doesn’t call us to live a life of comfort and ease. He calls us out onto the waters, where we can’t make it on our own strength. Where we have to cling to Him for every step.

TDD_Oceans Is the future unknown? Yes. Is it sometimes scary? Yes. But friends…there is also JOY! Joy in knowing that God has something MORE for us. More than the mundane. I can’t even tell you what it is yet. But I am confident that 2015 is the year we will be finding out!


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