Winter Faves

What do you do when you catch your self moping or complaining about seemingly everything? I always stop this negative behavior in my kids and tell them to quickly list 3 things that they are grateful for. They also help remind me of the same thing when I’m having a grumpy day.

I feel like I do a lot of complaining about the Seattle weather. In fact, I know I do. I admit it. But sometimes, the key to enjoying yourself in spite of the things that get you down is to simply sit down and list the good in your life. Just like I tell my kids to list things they are grateful for, today, in spite of my disdain for the gloomy weather, I am going to share with y’all my favorite things about this season while I wait for the slow transition into Spring.




Tell me friends, what are your favorite things about Winter? And what do you do to get out of the mopey rut?


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