2020 y’all! Can you even believe it?! The start of a new week. A new month. A new year. And a new DECADE! New beginnings are my JAM! As you know, 5 years ago, our family hit the reset button on life. In the best way possible, of course! After hitting rock bottom, God brought us to a point of utter reliance on Him and through that process, we learned how to DREAM again! My husband quit his career, we moved out of state, went back to school – GRAD school of all things, had a baby, graduated, and moved clear across the country to start his career as a Doctor of Chiropractic! I mean, there is SO MUCH more to that story, so if you’re interested, you can head over to my YouTube Channel to hear more about it…but THE POINT IS! If anyone has had to learn how to accept and even EMBRACE new beginnings, it’s us! Not to brag, but I’m getting kind of good at them now. So, I thought it would be cool to walk you through my intentions for the year and how I stick to them. Sound cool? Then stay tuned.
I learned years ago that writing out a list of New Year’s Resolutions and implementing them all at the same time didn’t work for me. It felt like I was throwing a fistful of things at the wall hoping just one of them would stick, and instead, they all fell off. It’s no wonder so many people call it quits on their resolutions by February! Or even sadder, quit making them in the first place.
There is nothing wrong with wanting more. In fact, I think self-improvement is a healthy thing! I think if we hit the point that we feel like we’ve done all we can, then what is there left? I have to believe God expects more of me than just existing. And for that reason, I will continue to strive to be better than the person I was yesterday. But obviously, I can’t just WILL that into existence. It’s going to take a little effort on my part, right?
I no longer remember when or how I first heard of One Little Word, but it’s become my own little New Year’s tradition at this point. And for the first time ever this year, we sat down as a family and helped each other each pick out their own word to focus on for the year.
My word for 2020 is…

This one came to me in a parking lot, of all places. I read it on someone’s license plate. I kid you not! But God used that completely ordinary moment to give me my One Little Word. I want to share with you why it resonated with me and why I chose it.
I want to spend this year believing that I am capable of what I set my mind to and believing that my health and well-being are worth the time and effort it takes to put into them.
I want to focus on my strength and flexibility, eating a plant-based diet, CLEAN eating, and drinking more water.
I want to remind myself and my children in the belief that there are small lifestyle changes we can make that can have a ripple effect and change the world.
I want to give more, serve more, be thankful more, and focus on ocean conservation.
I want to spend more time with God, reflecting on all the STUFF He’s brought us through, to remind myself that He always comes through.
I want to develop a routine of daily devotions, my gratitude journal, scripture memorization, prayer, and reflection.
I want to spend this year less distracted and more present in the moments that we have.
I want to consistently get up earlier, improve my time management skills, and regulate my screen time.
I know that God put these dreams on my heart for a reason and I need to believe I am worthy. I am enough.
I want to consistently post on my channel twice a week, collaborate with brands, create more searchable content, and finally, monetize my channel.
If you haven’t already come up with New Year’s resolutions, would you consider dedicating yourself to focus on One Little Word? Let me know in the comments and then head over to my channel to watch this video I put together for you on what steps I’m taking to ensure I STICK to my resolutions.