Last Minute Costumes

A friend recently brought to my attention that she never saw my kid’s Halloween costumes. It’s a fact that I pulled off a classic mommy fail – forgetting to post pics of my kids costumes. Awful mommy, right?

Well I’m here to redeem myself…and only two and a half weeks late haha!

Being that we returned home from a 10 day road trip to California the DAY BEFORE Halloween, our costumes were kind of thrown together this year. I tried to plan ahead, I really did. But procrastination is a specialty of mine, it really is!


Yes, I know most kids dream about being a super hero and a dashing knight or maybe a firefighter or police officer. Not my kid. My Hollywood dreams of being an inanimate object every year for Halloween. Remember his racecar costume last year? Well this year (this is going to SHOCK you)…he insisted on being a plane. A green biplane to be exact (I didn’t even know what a biplane was until he described it in very particular detail). I just said okay and left the details up to daddy (who so happened to pull off last year’s costume with flying colors). I’m good with the sewing…he’s good with the duct taping of cardboard. But yes…daddy so happened to work just a wee bit of overtime before our trip so here we were the night before Halloween with no clue how we were going to pull this off in one night. I literally called up my neighbor (who has been our lifesaver on SEVERAL occasions) for a box, and daddy got to work. The following morning there was spray painting, drawing, glitterfying (daddy left the décor to me), and alas, we somehow pulled off his dream costume. SUCCESS!!!



My hubby found this adorable Lalaloopsy dress on sale at Target and thought it was PERFECT for little Cocoa! I totally agreed….but being a newbie to the world of Lalaloopsy, I didn’t realize that this wasn’t a MAIN character (read: impossible to find) and therefore was a LOT harder to pull together than I thought. In fact on our drive home from California, we risked getting lost at least twice trying to find a coordinating wig at those terrifying “Spirit of Halloween” stores (I say terrifying because I may or may not have traumatized my kids going in there LAST year). So turns out Cocoa’s costume wasn’t going to be EXACTLY as I had hoped. So we bought the best wig we COULD find and that is how my daughter ended up being a mash-up of “Pillow” and “Cinder-slippers”. Yes, I now know their names. 😉 Regardless, she was happy AND she happened to look adorable, right?




I think she had a little too much fun with the make up (or was that me)…


My friends, I have to tell you I did NOT think these costumes were going to be any sort of success. In fact, if you follow me on Facebook you MAY have heard me voice my concerns about it being an epic failure. But once again, procrastination lit a fire under my booty so I could pull it off (with some help from THE MAN of the house). And I actually felt like a success when a mommy pointed out to her daughter my little Lalaloopsy (YES – they can tell what she’s supposed to be!!!) and every little boy was drooling over “that awesome airplane costume”. That’s a pass in my book!


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