I’ll Stop Breastfeeding When I Damn Well Please

I’ve literally had this post typed up for at least 6 months, but I’ve been afraid to press “publish”.

I hate controversy. I tend to bottle up (pun not intended) my feelings and run in the other direction rather than confront someone face to face. It’s that uncomfortable for me. I hate the thought of hurting someone’s feelings and I am a recovering people pleaser. This is not something that is easy for me to come out and say, and I fear I may make some enemies over it…but at the same time I feel that I need to. So hear me out, please.

I firmly believe that BREAST IS BEST. There. I said it.

I know there’s this huge movement that’s been going around social media that #fedisbest and I get it. I really do. The point is to put an end to mom shaming (which I fully support). And there’s a truth behind the idea that everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. There is a time and a place for baby formula. I know that. There was even a time and a place for it in our home. Our middle child was adopted, and although I tried to breastfeed her, it didn’t work out. She was formula fed for all but one month of her infant/toddler life and she is healthy, thriving, intelligent…all the things. Formula is sometimes necessary and I know that. But a man-made supplement to milk will NEVER compare to the real thing on any level.

I mean, c’mon! There are so many reasons why breastmilk and breastfeeding is amazing and WORTH the struggle:

  • Breastmilk adapts in nutritional value and consistency, depending on your baby’s needs.
  • Breastmilk increases in antibodies when your child is sick.
  • The act of breastfeeding decreases a mother’s chance of breast cancer (and the longer you breastfeed, the better).
  • During breastfeeding, when a baby’s cheek is pressed against her mother’s breast, it boosts brain development on that side.
  • When a breastfeeding mother bakes with her hands, she passes those antibodies into the food she is making.

Breastmilk confirms to me that God is very real. Maybe that sounds dramatic to you, but I wholeheartedly mean that! Only God could design a substance that can sense your needs and morphe to be exactly that! Breastmilk is incredible!

Formula, on the other hand, is filled with additives that I try to avoid putting in my own body – hydrogenated oils, food coloring, preservatives, and pesticides (depending on the brand and type). Yes, you read that right.

Now, I said earlier that I fully support putting an end to mom shaming, and I really do mean that. I don’t say this to point fingers, to guilt you into my way of thinking, or to pat myself on the back. I love you all to pieces and I am not here to judge you for the choices you make. You have the right to make the decision that is best for your family and I can guarantee that you won’t hear one peep about it out of me. Parenting is hard enough without the unsolicited advice of other mothers making you feel inferior. But… I can respect your decision without necessarily agreeing with it. I think it’s important to know the benefits of breastmilk and the experience of breastfeeding and I will not let this movement keep me from proclaiming that.

But if your expectation of me is to respect your decision, I would ask for the same respect in my decision of prolonged breastfeeding.

So yes… My boy is more a toddler than a baby, who can walk and talk and communicate when he’s hungry. I didn’t have a drink in over two years, I’m still holding on to that baby weight, I have to dress in clothes that will accommodate breastfeeding, and date nights are a rare occasion. But this time is brief and the benefits my son is getting from breastfeeding (not to mention the joy I get from doing it) far outweigh the perceived inconveniences.

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