How To Put An Outfit Together

This is part five of the 7 day #feelgoodblogging challenge hosted by Alex Beadon!
If you would like to take part in this blogging challenge you can follow THIS LINK to sign up!

I think we’ve all had days where we stare with hopeless eyes at our closet, our hearts filled with despair, because we have nothing to wear.

Just me? Umm…I guess that says a lot about me. Like the fact that I can be completely dramatic. Noooooo… Say it ain’t so.

But in all seriousness, friends. Somedays you just have to pull on your big girl pants and pick out something that suits the day (even when your mood isn’t showing it) and fake it ’till you make it! So for today, I am going to share with you:


That’s right! When you can’t make anything work…sometimes you just have to strip down to the basics and start from scratch (and yes, the pun was in fact intended there).

1. Choose an inspiration piece

This can be a brightly colored necklace you found in your drawer that you haven’t worn in a while, a patterned top in your closet that caught your eye, or even a flowy maxi dress that flares away in all the right spots. But whatever it is – that is your starting point! The piece that everything else will be built upon. Snag it, lay it out, and let’s move on!

2. Dress for the atmosphere

Are you headed to the beach? Running errands around town? Meeting a friend for coffee? Chasing you kids at the park? Whatever atmosphere you will find yourself in for the majority of the day should dictate how dressy or how casual you dress.

Obviously, some of this is up to interpretation. While a coffee date for you might mean no make up,  yoga pants, and curling up on your bestie’s couch…it might mean an actual coffee shop for the next. Both are completely acceptable options. Just dress for it! You get the point.

Also, please note that sometimes your inspiration piece may need to be tweaked to fit the atmosphere. For example, if your inspiration piece was that white mini dress with a plunge neckline, but you are headed to the park with our kids…errrr…you may want to reconsider your inspiration. Right? Right. Moving on.

3. When in doubt, choose texture

Sometimes you pick out the most fabulous top, but you can’t figure out what to pair with it. In general, I usually pair one patterned piece with one solid color piece. Color blocking feels a little boring for my style. But go by what feels right for you. If I do end up sticking with solid colors, I try to choose different textures so that they stand out next to each other and create some intrigue within the outfit. Sometimes I like to see how many different textures I can throw into an outfit! (Those usually end up being my favorites, go figure.)

4. Always accessorize

Even the dullest of outfits can be revived with the right accessories. Don’t underestimate their power! I can’t tell you how many times I have received compliments on my t-shirt and jeans simply because of the accessories I paired them with!

If you have any doubts or if this step simply overwhelms you, fear not! I have a post for that!

5. Wear it with confidence

No matter what you dress yourself in, rest assured that you can always look your best by rocking this last step. Confidence in your own beauty is the one surefire way pull off any outfit! YOU are beautiful! Look at yourself in the mirror and smile. Find three things you love about your reflection. Is it those smile lines near your that reflect years of laughter with the ones you love? Is it those love handles that you inherited from those bundles of joy who call you mom? Is it that crazy purple hair that makes everyone do a double take but still makes you smile? (That last one might just be for me…)

Find a reason to love who you are right here and now. I promise, you will never look more beautiful than when you love yourself.



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