My brain has been going a million miles an hour lately. I may have extra time on my hand, but as I’m sure many of you can relate, I also have more things pulling my attention. Not only do I have to maintain a household and, you know, WORK! But I have to do it with all three kids underhand. BORED kids while we’re at it because… #SOCIALDISTANCING is important! Quarantining is no walk in the park.
But in a time when its easy to succumb to the negativity that seems sometimes overwhelming, I am diving deeper into my gratitude journal to keep my perspective. If you’re struggling right now, I would highly recommend you do the same. It’s incredible how a shift in your focus can completely turn your day around.
One of the things I am enjoying about having my kids home right now is the opportunity to really monitor their food choices and teach them about nutrition. We all know that conversation can be so complicated, so we try to simplify it by telling the kids to eat the rainbow. We want them to understand the value every color has to the inner workings of their body.

I made this color chart for our fridge to help the kids understand the importance of the different foods they are putting in their bodies. Now, every time they open the fridge, they have this at their disposal.

You may notice while reading over it that there are some big words on there. I left them there on purpose! While I want my kids to see the benefits of every color they consume, I don’t want a simple chart or resource to take the place of conversation with me. I chose to leave words on there that they possibly wouldn’t understand so that we can continue the conversation. If you’re reading it and saying to yourself, “but I don’t understand some of those words!” I want you to know — that’s okay! Learn with your kids. Look them up together and show your children that even as adults, we don’t know everything and that learning is a lifelong skill!
Snag the FREE printable below, and then head on over to this week’s vlog for more tips to boost your family’s immune system!