My brain has been going a million miles an hour lately. I may have extra time on my hand, but as I’m sure many of you can relate, I also have more things pulling my attention. Not only do I have to maintain a household and, you know, WORK! But I have to do […]
Simple Meal Planning for a Family of 5
In the current season of life, I’ve learned that flying by the seat of my pants when it comes to meal time just doesn’t work. Plain and simple. After too many late-night dinners, too many times I relied on my hubby to whip something together after he got home from a long day, too […]
I’ll Stop Breastfeeding When I Damn Well Please
I’ve literally had this post typed up for at least 6 months, but I’ve been afraid to press “publish”. I hate controversy. I tend to bottle up (pun not intended) my feelings and run in the other direction rather than confront someone face to face. It’s that uncomfortable for me. I hate the thought of […]
Day 1 of The Last 90 Days
Did you know that today is DAY 1 of the last 90 days of 2018?!? Let that sink in for a moment. 2018 is coming to a close. I know that typically for me, just hearing those words strikes a panic in my core. The last 90 days of the year are filled with […]
Weekend Roundup
This weekend had something to offer for each of us this weekend – a little self-care, arts and crafts, a birthday party, lots of fresh air, and a fair share of downtime! Even though it was a holiday weekend, my husband still had school on Friday (gasp!) and the kids must have had a […]
Butternut Squash Enchiladas
Back in January, my husband and I signed up for weekly produce bags through school. Every Friday we got to pick up a paper bag, filled to the brim with veggies (and sometimes fruit), fresh from the farm. This bag included a lot of veggies that I have not once purchased on my own, […]
For some reason, I love breakfast food but I hate eating breakfast. Which I know is just a huge contradiction, but it’s true! I love custom omlettes and crepes filled with crazy combinations. I enjoy biting my teeth into bacon as much as the rest of you. And sausage? Mmmm. My arteries would cry […]
Coffee in July
This is part six of the 7 day #feelgoodblogging challenge hosted by Alex Beadon! If you would like to take part in this blogging challenge you can follow THIS LINK to sign up! ***** Friends. It’s July. How did this happen? Weren’t we just stumbling through the last two weeks of school dreaming of some freedom? And […]
Are You My Tribe?
This is part one of the 7 day #feelgoodblogging challenge hosted by Alex Beadon! If you would like to take part in this blogging challenge you can follow THIS LINK to sign up! ***** This word – tribe. I’ve been hearing it everywhere lately. And I’ve made it my mission to find mine. I’ve been a […]
The Start of My Journey
If you’ve been hanging around here lately, you may have noticed a couple of changes to my blog. One of them being that little “essential oils” tab up there. Although I haven’t posted about them yet here, I have been sharing my new-found obsession on Instagram and Facebook. Why not here? Well, simply put – […]