Day 1 of The Last 90 Days

Did you know that today is DAY 1 of the last 90 days of 2018?!? Let that sink in for a moment.   2018 is coming to a close. I know that typically for me, just hearing those words strikes a panic in my core. The last 90 days of the year are filled with […]

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Weekend Roundup

This weekend had something to offer for each of us this weekend – a little self-care, arts and crafts, a birthday party, lots of fresh air, and a fair share of downtime! Even though it was a holiday weekend, my husband still had school on Friday (gasp!) and the kids must have had a […]

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Butternut Squash Enchiladas

Back in January, my husband and I signed up for weekly produce bags through school. Every Friday we got to pick up a paper bag, filled to the brim with veggies (and sometimes fruit), fresh from the farm. This bag included a lot of veggies that I have not once purchased on my own, […]

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For some reason, I love breakfast food but I hate eating breakfast. Which I know is just a huge contradiction, but it’s true! I love custom omlettes and crepes filled with crazy combinations. I enjoy biting my teeth into bacon as much as the rest of you. And sausage? Mmmm. My arteries would cry […]

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Coffee in July

This is part six of the 7 day #feelgoodblogging challenge hosted by Alex Beadon! If you would like to take part in this blogging challenge you can follow THIS LINK to sign up! ***** Friends. It’s July. How did this happen? Weren’t we just stumbling through the last two weeks of school dreaming of some freedom? And […]

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The Start of My Journey

If you’ve been hanging around here lately, you may have noticed a couple of changes to my blog. One of them being that little “essential oils” tab up there. Although I haven’t posted about them yet here, I have been sharing my new-found obsession on Instagram and Facebook. Why not here? Well, simply put – […]

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