So let’s just get the cat out of the bag (even though I despise that saying…mostly because I don’t like cats…please don’t hate me). I have an exciting announcement that I’ve been anxiously awaiting to share, and yet every time I sit down I haven’t been able to quite find the words. But here it is – I’M PREGNANT! In fact, I’m halfway through my pregnancy now. SURPRISE!

Yes, if you follow me on Facebook you may have seen THIS POST where I announced at 16 weeks (and possibly some subsequent posts sharing some of the ups and downs of pregnancy). And yet, it doesn’t feel official until there’s a blog post about it. AmIright?
It’s not that I had any intention of keeping this a big secret. I mean, to most people who spend time around me its been flat out obvious. If not for my kids running up to talk to my belly, its the constant bag of snacks and burst blood vessels around my eyes.
Yes, we are thrilled about welcoming baby number three into our family. There is lots of planning and excitement and memories to be made. And yet, I have such a hard time finding the words to express how I feel. Let me explain…
You see, before my older two, my husband and I had a miscarriage with our first pregnancy. We were heartbroken.
When we found out we were pregnant with Hollywood, we were beyond ecstatic…but faced so many complications it hurt my heart. On top of 9 months of “morning” sickness (ugh), I faced to ER visits, including one for a torn placenta and to place me on IV fluids due to the constant vomiting. It was not a pleasant pregnancy. And then to top it off, I was diagnosed with HELLP Syndrome at 36 weeks, and therefore was immediately admitted to the hospital and induced to give both of us the greatest chance at survival. It was traumatic to say the least. And probably why it took my husband so many, many years to convince me to do it again.
But eventually baby fever took over logic, and here we are.
After already thinking we had lost this baby many times over, I can’t tell you how surreal it feels to be halfway through this pregnancy. I mean…I haven’t just been counting the weeks, but the DAYS my friend! And although I still struggle with nausea, I am so relieved to finally feel this little one kicking and squirming and we celebrate all the little things. Soon we go in for our ultrasound and I’m praying we see a healthy and thriving little baby.
Thank you to so many of you who have shared in our excitement and lifted me and this little one up in prayer. You have touched our hearts and we are so thankful for each of you!