Spring is right around the corner whether or not I’m ready for it. (For the record, I am. VERY ready.) That means its time to face the huge and ever growing list of house projects we have yet to tackle. Since I hardly have the energy for all of them, I thought prioritizing sounded like a good idea. You with me?
So starting this spring, here are our top three house projects we need to tackle!
I know, I know. It sounds huge and massive and overhwelming just reading it. No? That’s just me? Darn. Well it IS overwhelming. We have lived in this home for six years now and all we have done to the yard is demolish. The previous owners were very ambitious with their landscaping and as a new home owner, I knew I would never be able to keep up. I intentionally cut out flower beds and simplified the landscaping to fit our needs, but we never actually replanted. So this is the year. In an auction last fall we won a dump truck load of beauty bark so I’m excited to finally give this yard the attention it deserves.
Got any ideas to get me started? Oh guys…this is so overwhelming for me! Hahaha!
Six years of renovating has left us exhausted. Its that simple. But now that Cocoa is potty trained and I’m sharing a bathroom with a toddler and a preschooler, I’m ready for a space of my own. You know, not covered in toothpaste globs. Where I don’t constantly trip over the stepping stool. Where I don’t have to dig for my razor in a pile of bathtub toys. Maybe a grown up space where I can leave my flat iron sitting out without fear of a trip to the emergency room. Okay…maybe leaving out a flat iron isn’t the best habit to have in the first place…
I know, scary isn’t it? I’ve had ideas swirling around in this brain of mine for way too long now. Its time to put all this designing to practice and finally create the space we’ve been dreaming of (within limits of course…I’ve already been informed that my claw foot tub fantasy will not be feasible).
Okay…the top two were EASY to prioritize. But the third? Not so much. I have SUCH a huge list of projects it was really hard to decide what was the most important. But I think for safety reasons I need to say our back deck. We have loose boards, holes, and nails sticking up. Last summer I spent way more time that would be deemed normal digging slivers out of my kiddos’ feet. I think its time to replace it…or at the very least invest in a huge outdoor rug until we can. Either way, this space needs some major attention.
Do you have any household projects you are tackling right now? Please share…I’d love to know I’m not alone Or if you have any tips or tricks to get me started…pretty PLEASE share!