Easy Scarecrow Halloween Look

I know that celebrating Halloween isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I become a giddy little child again every year around this time. Have there been years I’ve opted out of a costume? You bet.

I remember my first year as a mom. My little boy was teeny, tiny. It took SO much searching to finally find a costume small enough to fit him that I ran out of energy coming up with an idea for myself. But I didn’t even care because there is something so magical about dressing up your first child for their first Halloween. I had such an amazing time showing him off that I didn’t even miss the costume.

A couple years later, he was old enough to question why mom and dad weren’t dressing up. Being that it was literally the DAY OF and he was going as a dragon, I squeezed into an old prom dress and went as his princess. It was so fun to get dolled up and the look on his face….AH! It just melted me. But then I got a bunch of weird looks from other parents who were clearly too “adult” for dress up. I wish I could say it didn’t affect me, but it DID!

We’ve also had more than a few years where adult costumes just weren’t in the budget. We’ve had a lot of fun being creative with what’s in our closet and I find that my kids get that much MORE into it when mom and dad participate. Isn’t that always the case?

Whether you’re going all out this year or not, it doesn’t take a ton of time or creativity to dress up. I challenged myself to come up with a costume using only things that were already in my home and this fun scarecrow look I came up with was easier than it looked!

For this look, I used 100% SeneGence products (with the exception of my lashes). If you want to know more about these water-resistant, budge-proof, anti-aging cosmetics, you can HEAD OVER HERE to read all about my new business! Here was my color palette and what I used:

/ SKIN /
3-in-1 Cleanser (Normal to Dry), SeneSerum-C, Daytime Moisturizer (Normal to Dry), EyeLuminator, Silk Primer

/ FACE /
Light Concealer, Almond MS, Moca Java SS for Contour, Pearlizer for a highlighter, Mix of Moca Java + Garnet SS for freckles, Lava Shimmer SS for cheeks and nose, Onyx SS to outline nose

/ EYES /
Candlelight SS as a base, Pink Posey SS on lid up to the crease, Lava Shimmer SS on top of it and under the eye, Snow SS in the inner corner and under the brow, Onyx SS lining bottom and waterline, Black EyeSense for winged liner, Taupe BrowSense on brows

/ LIPS /
First Love LS on the top lip, Blackberry LS on the bottom lip and for stitches

To go with this look, all I grabbed was a plaid shirt from my closet and a wide-brimmed hat! I will say this paired perfectly with a distressed pair of boyfriend jeans and tennis shoes (although I didn’t take a picture of that, my apologies) which makes it oh-so-comfortable for walking around the neighborhood, trick or treating with your kiddos!

Who knew a little makeup could make all the difference? Okay. I did. That’s kind of my JOB. Haha!

What are your thoughts about dressing up for Halloween? Do you get in full costume for Halloween?

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