
Thirty. It’s kind of hard to swallow, friends! I’m not sitting here crying or freaking out…but for some reason it is still hard to say it. Thirty. 30.

Huh? Who would have thought? Part of me feels way too young to actually be at this point in my life. The other party of me has felt 30 forever. Hmm. Well, I have nothing else really to say on the subject but I’ve got to fill up this blog post somehow, so how about this…

TDD_10 Things

1. My childhood dream was to be a professional singer. Scratch that. Still is. Music is the heart and soul.

2. When I decided to pursue a career in Cosmetology, they attempted to talk me out of it. “They” being most of the adults in my life. But not my mom. She gets me.

3. Even though I am far from a sports person, I cheered my way through high school (and even got into the games)! Maybe even cried when we lost the championship my senior year. That never happened. Yes. Yes, it did.

4. I never took art in high school. Everyone who knows me now thinks that is crazy. I will say, its a decision I regret now. I think I could have learned a lot, and maybe it would have helped me figure out some of my passions sooner.

5. I got engaged to my high school sweetheart the summer after my graduation and we planned our wedding in four short months (would you believe me if I said it was my dad’s idea?).

6. I was happily married at the young age of 18. A baby. I know that now. But I love him even more today. Even if he is a pain in the butt.

7. I might just die of a heart attack if my kids try to get married at 18. Just a child. Don’t…please don’t. Never leave the nest. Of course, I’m just kidding (kind of).

8. Prior to becoming a mom, I rocked a PINK car to and from work at the salon. Her name was Frenchie (think “Beauty School Dropout” from the movie Grease). I still miss her. And to this day she is still the one car we regret selling.

9. I have four brothers. Yep, four. Although I spent many days wondering how life would have been different with a sister on my team, I’m thankful for how they prepared me to be a mom to my little boy. Not to mention, it would be a bit harder to play the diva card if the attention was split with another girl, right?

10. We had our son’s name picked out before we were even married. We also had two girl names picked out that have since then been vetoed. One of them we changed our minds on, the other our friends used for their daughter (It’s okay – they had no idea we even liked it! Our names have always been secret).

So did you learn something new…or have we been friends for far too long? It’s possible, I suppose. Well…

Happy Birthday to Me!

I’m off to go enjoy this beautiful day the Lord has blessed us with!


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