Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Okay

Other titles I contemplated for this post:

The Day I’ve Dreaded My Entire Life
Today Starts The Next 12 Years of My Life
Slave To The School Schedule
My Eye Are Puffy and The Day Hasn’t Even Started
Kindy, Here We Come!
Do I Have To Wake Up This Early Every Day?
Baby Bird Leaves The Nest
Stop Crying, Mom!
Can You Just Pretend To Miss Me?
So…Do I Just Walk Home Now?
Barely Holding It Together
Hunny, You’re Gonna Have To Carry Me
I Left My Heart At Kindergarten
What Do You Do With a 3 Year Old All Day?
Is It Three O’ Clock Yet?

Today was harder than I thought it would be. Not really. In fact, it was way WAY worse in my head. But it was still really hard. I cried myself to sleep, and my husband didn’t even laugh at me. I mean, he laughed WITH me, but not at me. But mostly he just held me and  reminded me how ready our boy is. How excited our boy is.

And boy, is he! At 8:30pm I had to remind him that air horn noises weren’t an appropriate form of singing ourselves to sleep, not to mention it might wake up his sister. His mind was “spinning” he said. He was too excited to sleep. I reminded him that the sun can’t come out until he goes to sleep. Eventually he stopped spinning enough to sleep.


This morning, I couldn’t get more than a bowl of cereal into his tummy. I even offered pancakes, which he refused because cereal was “quicker”. He probably would have ran to school if I hadn’t insisted on holding his hand the whole way.


I was even that mom when dropping him off at his classroom. His teacher kindly said “I’ve got him, you can go now!” and took him by the hand. I still snapped a couple more pictures and even followed him to his desk before backing out of the room blowing kisses that were never returned.


Now my heart is walking around outside of my body and far beyond my view. And I somehow have to learn to live with it this way. Some say I will even grow to like it. I can’t even imagine. But I’m trying.



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